Like it had already been established that Star liked Marco in season two. The shipping started to become a problem here and they started putting more effort into creating ships rather than focusing on the story. Anything after that is non cannon and I can understand why cause things really dropped after this episode. To me and what I heard from some fans, Toffee was considered the last cannon episode of the series. Now season three started off pretty strong with its Battle for Mewni segments. However this season had set up the base that would be used a lot in the later seasons. While the animation quality dropped, it still had pretty good writing. Season two was a bit of a step down from season one but it wasn’t as bad as the two remaining seasons.
So overall, I feel like season one was the show’s strongest season. And it didn’t have the problem that the later seasons had. The show in it’s first season was really strong. What happened? What caused SVTFOE to go downhill? Now months after it’s finale, it’s forgotten and not being aired on the Disney XD channel anymore. SVTFOE used to be a great show but later on in it’s later seasons it got pretty bad with its finale being considered one of the worst cartoon finales.